07886 249089anthony@dentcomtraining.co.uk

Dentcom Training
Safety First

Safety First in Dentistry

LOCSIPPS to prevent never ever events

Preventing never ever events in dentistry is such an important topic, especially these days, when patients are much more likely to turn litigation in the event of errors in treatment.

If you are carrying out a procedure that might lead to a never ever event, whether that’s with local anaesthetic, sedation or general anaesthesia, you should work with your team
to create Local safety standards for invasive procedures to Prevent Never Events. (LocSSIP)

The need for a LocSSIP applies whether it’s an extraction in a high street general dental practice or in a secondary care setting,
although the locally determined standard will probably be very different. 

The one day CPD program I am offering will examine the steps that are crucial
to patient safety.


We’ll discuss significant safety events in the consultation process, ranging from patient verification, consult and document checks
through to a time out, checks on preventing objects being left behind and the team debrief
We’ll examine the necessary procedures involved in the event of a wrong site tooth extraction and what you need to be doing.
You will discover how you can learn from never ever events and near misses that occur in clinical practice
We’ll also examine the influence of human factors in patient safety and how learning lessons can be applied from the
aviation industry to the dental profession.


This workshop will give you confidence to work efficiently knowing why never ever events happen and what to do to prevent them.
You will be able to identify and act upon potential threats or errors so that they do not escalate to become never ever events.
You will be able to adapt more quickly in situations when things are going wrong.

GDC Enhanced CPD Outcomes

A - Communication. This relates to effective communication with patients, team members and others such as NHS officials, suppliers or academics. It might include consent, dealing with complaints or whistleblowing

B - Management. This covers how you manage your own work and your interaction with colleagues whether as a team leader or team member. Learning should focus on how management can be effective, constructive and put the interests of patients first