Successfully communicating with patients is an essential skill for dental professionals and is a requirement in the GDC’s standards for dental teams. Good communication is a vital part of patient care, working as a team and the success and culture of a practice (For Dentists, Therapists, Technicians, Hygienists, Dental Nurse’s & Students & Receptionists). This training can be used as part practice evidence to demonstrate compliance in areas of CQC fundamental standards.
AIMS: To highlight the need for effective communication and how improving this can increase productivity and profitability
Examine the 5 reasons why patients don't go ahead with treatment and how to manage patient expectations productively
Explain the different methods of communication and the barriers that present
Describe ‘active listening’ and the skills involved
Discuss how communication is essential to staff morale, team working and patient care
Be able to use various methods of communication and increase case acceptances
Gain improved skills in verbal and non- verbal communication
Identify barriers to communication within the dental work place
Use active listening skills to build a rapport with patients
Use effective communication to enhance staff relations, efficiency, patient care and overall practice profile.
Methods of communication.
Communication barriers within the dental practice
Communication and team working
Enhancing your own & the practice profile with successful communication
Use active listening & communication skills to their full potential
Delivery of practice information